Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Today I had an interview appt. at Books-a-Million. It was a desperate move; I've worked there before. Christmas had been the final straw that sent me running for an MFA program. So now I have the MFA, and well, you know.
I was ok when I went in. But then I saw someone who used to work with me there and she STILL works there. And she is excited. Because soon they will really and truly keep their promise to raise her pay to 7.25 an hour.
Could I take a job where I make less than my son makes bagging groceries? It's money, right?
Then the computer went down, and my former co-worker brightly informed a customer, "could be 3 minutes or 3 days." And then she reminded me that I had to sell discount cards, and the pressure's on for magazines too.
All this time, the rather hefty (more butt than stool) manager talked to the appt. before me and ignored me. I asked my former co-worker to tell him I was there. She laughed. Time passed. I caught his eye. Time passed.
Then I started straightening books. A lump formed in my throat. My fight or flight impulses kicked in. I chose the safe and obvious course: Flight.
I know something will turn up.
Where I make more than my kid.. It's just got to.

1 comment:

jilmeka said...

hang in there, heather! you'll find something. funny scene if it were fiction.